Saturday, November 28, 2009
Arendal town is decorated by lights and christmas tree. I can see decorations of christmas tree everywhere. There is heavy discount in shopping centre. Town is being more crowded then before. Childrens are very happy with many gifts. People are planning for holidays. More or less similar to our great festival Dashain and Tihar.
I start to miss home when i see flashing lights in the town and people planning for vacation.As being a hindu we also have some festival in which we give priority to family as christian people give to christmas. I already miss our greatest festival Dashain and Tihar which was in september and this was the first time i'm out of house in Dashain.
Are you going back home in chrismas? What are you planning to do in this chrismas? Its the time with family and you are out of home, I can feel how you are feeling now. I don't like to be far from home in Chrismas. I never miss home but in chrismas i can't explain how much i miss. oh no..!! Some of youth make me miss home while talking
Nowadays I'm remembering one lesson in FK course"try to be as people are around you, never feel difference between you and them. So, I'm celebrating Christmas instead of Dashain this year. Aust-Agder Red Cross has arranged a trip to Merket(a place near by mountain) in this christmas. That is the place occupied by Red Cross and we are also assisting people who are there to celebrate christmas there. Hope everything will go fine and i'll never forget my first experience of Christmas celebration.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Condition of HIV/AIDS in Nepal:

Nepal is a developing country in Southern Asia. It is struggling with many challenges for the betterment of the nation. Among many other challenges, is the increasing HIV prevalence among the most at-risk population (MARPs). The first case of AIDS in Nepal was reported in 1988. According to the data of the National Center of AIDS and STD control, by May 2009, 13,885 cases of HIV were reported, among them, 2,384 persons living with AIDS. Out of 4,722 women that are infected, 3,384 are house wives. Because of the hidden nature of the problem, the actual size of the infected population is likely to be considerably larger. It is estimated by UNAIDS that 72,000 people in Nepal are living with HIV/AIDS.
The prevalence rate is increasing among Female sex workers (FSWs), injecting drug users (IDUs), men who have sex with men (MSM), and migrants. Effective prevention interventions need to be scaled up, especially among IDUs. Nepal's poverty, political instability, and gender inequality, combined with low levels of education and literacy, make the task challenging, as do the denial, stigma, and discrimination that surrounds HIV and AIDS. Female Sex Workers in Nepal have limited access to information about reproductive health and safe sex practices. Trafficking of Nepalese girls and women in Indian Sex Markets and returning with the disease stands as a major challenge to HIV control. Young people who have knowledge about HIV and other STDs, often do not have the means of protecting themselves which increases their vulnerability to HIV.
Nepal Red Cross working with HIV/AIDS
Nepal Red Cross Society have been running a HIV/AIDS prevention and Reproductive Health program since 1994, and working in cooperation with many different organizations including sister societies to educate people on how to stop the transmission of HIV. They encourage people to respond normally to people living with HIV/AIDS, to create awareness about HIV and make them understand how it is to be infected and how anyone can be a victim of it. The program is running in 54 out of the 75 districts in Nepal - among them 5 district currently supported by the Norwegian Red Cross.
The majority of identified people living with HIV/AIDS fall into the age of 14 to 29. So, NRCS disseminate knowledge and information by peer education, which has proven to be the most effective method.
Celebration of the World AIDS Day:
As a part of World AIDS Day, NRCS have been celebrating Condom day since 1995, every first Saturday after the Hindu’s greatest festival Dashain. This has proven a great success on how to disseminate information about the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
On World AIDS Day, different programs are organized by different organizations that are working in the field of HIV/AIDS. Among them, NRCS is one of those who celebrate it more effectively through its district chapters, sub chapters and junior/youth circles at a community level. They organize different activities like street drama, folk song competitions, interaction programs, providing counseling and testing services to those who want to know their status and many other activities. It can be a whole day program starting with a rally including all the different fields, students, volunteers walking in streets with banners and spreading leaflets. Later on there is a major discussion program where they discuss about existing conditions and also tries to include vulnerable people in order to make them more aware. Sometimes they light candles during night in the art of Red Cross or as a Symbol of AIDS. On that day, they use to talk more about HIV/AIDS in schools, colleges and community level.
Being a Red Cross Volunteer:
As a Red Cross volunteer we are also involved in different activities related to creating awareness among youths about HIV/AIDS and its transmission. We frequently organize speech competition (talking about transmission or Stigma related topics), seminars, public rallies, show street dramas (one of the most popular means of creating awareness) and also singing folk song based tunes so that it catches ears quickly. Last year on the World AIDS Day we visited different secondary schools in our community and told them about HIV/AIDS and its transmission as well as the methods to be safe from it. We also distributed the logo (red ribbon) among students and teachers. The main intension of distributing and using it was to show that there are still those \who only hate the disease AIDS but give love and care to the people living with HIV/AIDS.
Nepal is a developing country in Southern Asia. It is struggling with many challenges for the betterment of the nation. Among many other challenges, is the increasing HIV prevalence among the most at-risk population (MARPs). The first case of AIDS in Nepal was reported in 1988. According to the data of the National Center of AIDS and STD control, by May 2009, 13,885 cases of HIV were reported, among them, 2,384 persons living with AIDS. Out of 4,722 women that are infected, 3,384 are house wives. Because of the hidden nature of the problem, the actual size of the infected population is likely to be considerably larger. It is estimated by UNAIDS that 72,000 people in Nepal are living with HIV/AIDS.
The prevalence rate is increasing among Female sex workers (FSWs), injecting drug users (IDUs), men who have sex with men (MSM), and migrants. Effective prevention interventions need to be scaled up, especially among IDUs. Nepal's poverty, political instability, and gender inequality, combined with low levels of education and literacy, make the task challenging, as do the denial, stigma, and discrimination that surrounds HIV and AIDS. Female Sex Workers in Nepal have limited access to information about reproductive health and safe sex practices. Trafficking of Nepalese girls and women in Indian Sex Markets and returning with the disease stands as a major challenge to HIV control. Young people who have knowledge about HIV and other STDs, often do not have the means of protecting themselves which increases their vulnerability to HIV.
Nepal Red Cross working with HIV/AIDS
Nepal Red Cross Society have been running a HIV/AIDS prevention and Reproductive Health program since 1994, and working in cooperation with many different organizations including sister societies to educate people on how to stop the transmission of HIV. They encourage people to respond normally to people living with HIV/AIDS, to create awareness about HIV and make them understand how it is to be infected and how anyone can be a victim of it. The program is running in 54 out of the 75 districts in Nepal - among them 5 district currently supported by the Norwegian Red Cross.
The majority of identified people living with HIV/AIDS fall into the age of 14 to 29. So, NRCS disseminate knowledge and information by peer education, which has proven to be the most effective method.
Celebration of the World AIDS Day:
As a part of World AIDS Day, NRCS have been celebrating Condom day since 1995, every first Saturday after the Hindu’s greatest festival Dashain. This has proven a great success on how to disseminate information about the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
Being a Red Cross Volunteer:
As a Red Cross volunteer we are also involved in different activities related to creating awareness among youths about HIV/AIDS and its transmission. We frequently organize speech competition (talking about transmission or Stigma related topics), seminars, public rallies, show street dramas (one of the most popular means of creating awareness) and also singing folk song based tunes so that it catches ears quickly. Last year on the World AIDS Day we visited different secondary schools in our community and told them about HIV/AIDS and its transmission as well as the methods to be safe from it. We also distributed the logo (red ribbon) among students and teachers. The main intension of distributing and using it was to show that there are still those \who only hate the disease AIDS but give love and care to the people living with HIV/AIDS.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
"The building in front of us is Norway's second largest and tallest wooden house. and one of the tallest wooden building in Europe. It is live history of Arendal in itself. This house have five storey and many rooms." .............was explaining us about the house. He was with us to explain everything about the house. It is good to know the history of the place where you live. so, today i was in the historical tour of Arendal with some other immigrants.
Råd hus(city hall):Living history of Arendal
This house is built by the Kallevig family in may 1815 which took four year for planning and building. He imported most pieces from abroad on Mr.Kalleving's own ships but Mrs. Kallevig sold her house in 1844 in about 32.000 kroner to the municipality of Arendal then it has been the centre of the town's administration for more then 150 years.

This house is built by the Kallevig family in may 1815 which took four year for planning and building. He imported most pieces from abroad on Mr.Kalleving's own ships but Mrs. Kallevig sold her house in 1844 in about 32.000 kroner to the municipality of Arendal then it has been the centre of the town's administration for more then 150 years.
..................Explaining us about the house
From 5th floor.
The Rådhus(city hall) is the first house in the Aust-Agder district which is designed by an architect. The paintings hanging in the wall and decorations in the house easily attract the heart of anybody. Some of the rooms are given in the rent for weeding, receptions and meetings.

From 5th floor.
It is good to preserve the history. Time never come again but we can preserve history and it can be the good lesson for upcomimg generation. History is the thing which can be never changed. I'm really impressed with the people of Arendal they are preserving their history.
One of the picture hanging in the wall
Monday, November 23, 2009
The presentation is ready,We have printed out all the presentation for all participants and here is our plan to run the course! I just make sure myself before departing to Hove(The training Center). I was eagerly looking forward to meet all youths and see how they will response on Human Trafficking Course.
Youth gathering=Fun. We learnt and did fun together. Break and energizer! always a new game from participants.
Their creativity in group work-Impressive.
I can never forget their expression afterseeing some painful pictures and knowing the facts about it.
They posted their notes all around the hall and its nice to see all youths reading the post. The photo session, Role play and all energiger they made about human Trafficking. They were so cool!!

The responsibility of evening entertainment was upon Human Trafficking group. Aukson, Trafficking cocktail, Photo presentation and talking about Human Trafficking. I think it gave very good impact to other youths who were not belongs to Human Trafficking Course.
In the last of course we summarize the course.It so amazing that they have remembered most of the facts and events we did. They want to continue this course in their youths group and their place and they promised to talk with another 10 people.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We have just started a Red Cross youth group for english speakers. We found that there are so many youths who wants to join Red Cross but they can't because of language problem. Here are so many asylum seekers as well so it would be nice to make them involve in Red Cross activiti
es. We thought it will really help immigrants to know Norwegian people and culture. Whenever they will be able to speak Norwegian and be addicted towards Red Cross this group can be mixup with another Red Cross youth group.How is the idea??

Poster we made for promoting new group
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We talked about hinduism and human trafficking in different classes. We found them very interested towards religion and ethical problem like human trafficking. But all the students were not ready to accept the fact of human trafficking, that it still exist in the world. We discuss about this with our contact person and she said:"People can only believe on the things how much they have imagined." That's right. We have to make them feel. We should think about that also because this is very new topic for whole Aust-Agder youths.
Teacher want us to come back and have presentations in other classes as well. We told them, We will come with more improvements next time!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Posted by
Durga Poudel
2:29 PM
In the programme organized by other Organization
Everyone is responsible for everyone for everything. If we don't take responsibility for environment, we wouldn't be able to hand out this climate in its original form to our coming generation.
Global warming is the result of human activities over the last 50 years. Many human activities (use of fossils fuels, deforestrations) are contributing on climate change. So..We have to be concious to save our earth. If we don't act now......It might be too late....
If every individual starts thinking a little about their home planet, they can stop the black and brown carbon emmision from our land. We have a habit of using lift for going second floor instead of staircases and go to fitness centre to become fit. That doesn't go parallel. Also we can use recycled materials to save energy. We should try to consume less energy as much as we can.
If its not me then no one
We paricipated a seminar on climate change on UN day. It was so nice to be there. We learnt so many things about our Earth and how our activities are affecting to our Earth. It was a golden opportunity to meet general secretory of Red Cross there including many new people.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Recruting and keeping members is always a difficult task for every organization and its same in Red Cross too."Keeping a stand and distributing pamplates are not always enough.So...lets think something NEW!!
Red Cross should be attractive,independent and should be the organization owned by volunteers and members.One of the youth leader told me that some leaders of local branches occupy their seats for several years not giving the chance for new upcoming leaders which forces them to leave the movement and disappear.I became more curious and asked him whether the election system is democratic or not?He cleared it just by saying "everyone prefes t
he experienced one". But it is the fact that it always does not work because with new people, comes new ideas and new way of doing things. We know that old is gold but should not forget that new can be better that gold.So I saw every members in Norwegian Red Cross have to think about this.
Red Cross is the only organization that stands functioning during humanitarian crisis. I have experienced it during internal conflict in my country.
I know the history and movement of Red Cross but not all people. Even I have heard one of my friend saying"I have Red Cross and its seven principles in my blood."But it is only among us-so called active volunteers of Red Cross.To make all people feel like this we have to spread out our work through blogs, articles and so on in addition to doing. We have to tell people what, why and for what purpose we are doing? Which is very important to make people join this movement.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Even we visited some of the youth groups in Aust Agder, we were not so clear about in which area we have to focus on. We were also eager to know what they have already done and their plan for future. It was very important for us to have county meeting.Yesterday we met some members from county board and contact person of different groups.
We found that every group is eager to have us. We also gave them the topic in which we can give presentations.Like,Hinduism,Human trafficking(in Nepal),International Humanitarian Law(IHL),Active Choice(sexual Health),First aid, Nepal and Youth Exchange programme.We are now fixing the date for school visit and our first school visit is on 27th of october in Lilisand.
We also found that nothing has been done on Human trafficking campaign up till now in Aust Agder.So we are thinking to focus our activities on Human trafficking.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"You are going on a trip with children in Kiland.There will be 26 children who belongs to poor family.This is one of the programme of Redcross", told Kari, our contact person. Norway and poor family!!!!!!!surprised me.
Flags waving in cold wind at Kiland
We met children, Leaders and Help leaders there. A very different environment..........Created Environment........A complete Holiday package to the kids.......Delighted to see and be among them. Hiking, Rockclimbing, boating, Camp firing and many more kids game.
Group Resting on the top of hill. photo:Sajan
Enjoyed alot to be there and to be a kid among kids......... Even enjoying with toffee..................and feeling of childhood days again....................
Sometimes playing with kids and sometimes assissting them in different games..........Being among kids is not always fun.Sometimes they stared to cry and sometimes fighting....I found it was also really difficult not to make them feel lonely...
It was my first experience with camp fire!! We were enjoying."This is a toffee you can also barbaque this"One of the leader gave me a toffee.Oh no!!barbaque a toffee???This was also new for me.
I was on the top!!And this was also my First experience of Rock climbing. It's too scary looking down from that height.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
As a part to be social, I spent some time with the women group in the evening. There were altogether 10 membeers , performing many activities in their leisure time. Today we went to Local hospital of Arendal and gathered some information about the mobilization of helicopter in rescueing people.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
We, me and sajan, got warm welcome from the districts. Every thing was made ready for us and the same day we also met to the district leader of Red Cross Youth.
Now we have started to make our own nepali food in our own apartment. Yesterday we went to first-aid training organized by hjelpekorps and participated in the exercises.We are going to meet one youth group on monday.We are thinking to plan further activities after meeting youth groups. Hope everything will go fine.
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